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Monday 17 November 2014

Draw a Cow Personality Test

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 Draw a Cow - Personality Test

All our Personality Tests:
Draw a House
Draw a Pig 
Draw a Tree 
Draw a Cow


Designed by UC Berkeley psychologists and neuroscientists

Take a sheet of white, blank paper and on it, draw your own representation of a Cow. Just draw whatever comes naturally.

Use about a minute, no more if possible.

Once finished take a look at your cow and read onwards to find out what, if anything, it says about your own personality.

Let me know how about your results and how accurate they are in the comments!


If you drew no tail: You pay little attention to detail. You may day dream a lot and have a full imagination. You are an idea person.

If you drew a tail: You are very methodical in your approach to life. You take great care in most tasks and pay great attention to detail. You tend to be a perfectionist.

Size of the cow:

If the cow occupies at least 50% of the page: You are loud, extroverted, and the life of the party.

If the cow occupies about 25-50% of the page: You go with the flow. You can be reserved or assert yourself as necessary.

If the cow occupies less than 25% of the page: You are quite introverted. You would rather blend in, and let others attract attention.

Presence of udders:

If you drew udders: You are secure in your attachment to at least one of your parents. You are the nurturing type. A natural caregiver, you are a loving person who has many close relationships.

If you did not draw udders: You may have had a strained relationship with your parents, resulting in insecure attachment. You do not have a natural affinity towards children and care giving, but may still work hard towards achieving secure and stable relationships.          

Size of the ears:

If you drew large ears: You are a good listener. You are sensitive and empathize with others.

If you drew small ears: You are somewhat egocentric. You are able to put yourself in others shoes and listen to others, but you often think about yourself first.

If you drew no ears: Not only do you not listen well to others, but you tend to even ignore their advice. You tend to know what is best.

Shape of the legs:

If the cow has bent legs: You are quite flexible in your work schedule and life in general. If life throws you a curve ball, you easily adjust.

If the cow has straight legs: You are fairly rigid and have a set path you are trying to follow for your life. You handle distractions and rarely stray from your goals.

If your cow has no legs: You have no set path in life. You are imaginative and you live with your head in the clouds. Little seems impossible to achieve.

Size of the head:

If the head is at least 25% the size of the body: You are extremely rational, and think more with your head than your heart. You are good at solving problems, and take great pride in this.

If the head is less than 25% of the size of the body: You wear your heart on your sleeve. For better or worse, you let your heart guide your decisions. You don’t always make the best decision, but you tend to be happy regardless.

Presence of horns:

If you drew horns: You tend to be quick tempered. You are aggressive and easily irritated. You make quick decisions.

If you drew no horns: You are often passive in situations. You prefer to let the situation play out than to take direct action.

Presence of spots:

If you drew spots: You are satisfied with your life. You may feel like you can still grow, but for your age, you are comfortable with your accomplishments.

If you did not draw spots: You feel like there may be something missing in your life. You are always yearning, always striving for something greater and more meaningful.

All our Personality Tests:
Draw a House
Draw a Pig 
Draw a Tree 
Draw a Cow

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